Photo Gallery

One of the newest styles of Cutezy Clips, Fancy Flowers, is now being sold. Get yours now!

Super Bows are the latest, greatest barrette styles for little ones! They're big, and absolutely ADORABLE to stick in to any little girl's hair to spice up her outfit, and bring out her beautiful face.

Button Bobbies.... the simple yet elegant bobby pin for any age girls! Any size, shape, or color button can be specially ordered for no additional cost to you!

The old Traditional display card for craft sales.... goodbye. I've decided this is way to boring for my sales! I have some new tricks up my sleeves for more creative, fascinating displays for my sales.

Elizabeth Paschal (THATS ME!!!), the proud owner of Cutezy Clips, the home run business. No, this isn't me as a kid. I AM a kid! I'll be 12 years old in a week and a half. I have great plans for my future and I do think that the world wil be seeing much more of me!

Meet our new Cutezy Clips models! These girls are gorgeous, and absolutely perfect to model Cutezy Clips & Accessories! The older ones (the one on the right of group picture, and top of individual pictures) is Kaylee. She's 12, and lives in Oregon. The other girl's name is Livy, 5, also from Oregon. Welcome to the team, girls!